This page provides you with the basic steps for connecting to ResNet for the first time. You may also want to check out the Technology QuickStart page for a broad overview of Student Technology at Illinois State. You'll also find some great links to other technology resources on campus.
Plug in your Ethernet cable
The first time you connect, we strongly recommend you use a cable. It will provide you with a fast, reliable connection. If you don't have an Ethernet Cable, stop by TechZone and pick one up.
Open a web browser
Use the browser of your preference- Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. It will guide you through the steps to connect.
Register your MAC address
The website should automatically detect the MAC address of your computer. Simply add a description (i.e. Macbook Pro) and click submit. Restart your computer and you're good to go!
You're Connected!
Once the system detects no issues, you'll be passed through to the internet.